

I prayed for this

Prayed for 8 times.

Annie Kline

About 9 months ago I fell in love with a Luciferian. Our road has been quite rocky. Ling story short after much prayer and patience and grace he has finally turned to Jesus. We are a thousand miles apart. In the past few weeks he has told me many truths about lies he had spoken to me all this time. I have forgiven it all and we have moved on from it. The lies were told to me because of fear. He has been living in a situation where he has been stuck he has been a captive. His wife left the home 3 years ago, he has been scraping by and taking care of their son predominantly on his own. She has been with other men. He had lost all hope and has been suicidal for a long time. He has been at the mercy of her because after they got married she never claimed him so he could become a citizen. It has been her way of keeping him under foot. He has finally decided to get up and fight for himself and his son. Please pray that the Lord make a safe way for him our of this situation. That she will finally be kind and allow him to get his papers so he can work and not constantly look over his shoulder, so that he doesn’t have to fear getting snatched up and sent back to his country and never see his son again whom he has been an amazing father to despite his past faith issues.

His life has been one of torment and pain. From being ripped from his home as a child and brought here from his country to being sexually abused by his father to getting stuck in a marriage that was used to benefit a woman that has been unkind…. etc

Please pray he can obtain his papers, his freedom and most of all salvation. Thank you

Received: December 15, 2023


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